Missing 411-Western U.S.
Released- February 28, 2013
Link to Purchase:http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/Bigfootstore.html
Missing-411 is the first comprehensive research about people who have disappeared in the wilds of North America. It’s understood that people routinely get lost and some want to disappear, but this story is about the unusual. Nobody has ever studied the archives for similarities, traits and geographical clusters of missing people, until now.
A tip from a national park ranger led to this 4+ years and a 9000 hour investigative effort into understanding the stories behind people who have vanished. The book chronicles children, adults and the elderly who disappeared, sometimes in the presence of friends and relatives. As Search and Rescue personnel exhaust leads and places to search, relatives start to believe kidnappings and abductions have occurred. The belief by the relatives is not an isolated occurrence; it replicates itself time after time, case after case across North America.
The research depicts 28 clusters of missing people across the continent, something that has never been exposed and was a shocking find to researchers. Topography does play a part into the age of the victims and certain clusters have specific age and sex consistency that is baffling. This is not a phenomenon that has been occurring in just the last few decades, clusters of missing people have been identified as far back as the 1800’s.
The manuscript for the research was extremely large so the story was split between two books, Missing 411 Western United States and Canada and Missing 411 Eastern United States. The Eastern version will be released in late March and will include a list of all missing people in each edition and a concluding chapter that draws both books together for conclusions.
Some of the issues that are discussed in each edition:
• The National Park Service attitude toward missing people
• How specific factors in certain cases replicate themselves in different clusters
• Exposing cases involving missing children that aren’t on any national database
• Unusual behavior by bloodhounds/canines involved in the search process
• How storms, berries, swamps, briar patches, boulder fields and victim disabilities play a role in the disappearance
• The strategies of Search and Rescue personnel need to change under specific circumstances
After reading this book, you will forever walk in the woods with a different awareness.
"Major news organizations do a deplorable job of covering
stories and issues which are deemed too unusual
or too far outside the box. Chances are, they will find a way
to trivialize or ignore the disturbing evidence accumulated
by David Paulides, a former lawman turned investigative
journalist. The paper trail uncovered by Paulides through
sheer doggedness is impressive, the evidence indisputable.
People are vanishing without a trace from our national
parks and forests, yet government agencies are saying nothing.
At a minimum, this story deserves space on the front
page of every newspaper in the country, and it warrants a
formal high level inquiry by the federal agencies whose files
leave little doubt that something very strange is unfolding
in our wilderness."
George Knapp, Host, Coast to Coast AM
Your new book is an amazing work of research. Research is an art form and what you have created is a work of clarity and beauty. There is a simplicity to it that shines and is impossible to ignore.
Reading it was a very emotional ride. There is the feeling of betrayal from the national park service. For years people have been disappearing and dying in our park system and park authorities remain silent and dismissive acting as if each case is a singular occurrence. As I continued to read case after case of the suddenly missing persons, especially the children the heartbreak of the family and loved ones grew within me. I can not imagine what it is like to be holding the uncertainty of a family member who never returns home and wondering about the elusive unknown that is out there lurking in our parks and forests.
Kathy Srabian, Host, KHSU Radio
I am almost to the middle of this book. It is THE most disturbing true book I have ever read. Having said that, it is also the most necessary book for everyone to read. I will never look at some of these parks the same and if I were to go to any one of them, I would pack a large caliber weapon whether it’s permitted or not.
While all the deaths are tragic, the children are especially heartbreaking. And to think that the National Park Service and the FBI are almost assuredly complicit in these deaths with their continued cover up. Very sobering. I hope many, many people will come across this book and read it.
CB, Indiana
GREAT BOOK… However a disclaimer should be on the front cover “once you start to read it, cannot be put down.”
Thanks for the hard work compiling this.. I’m a retired Law enforcement Officer (35yrs) and I understand these cover-ups.. Sad but true!
Can’t wait for the eastern copy. S.H., Marianna, FL
A review by the Examiner.com:http://www.examiner.com/paranormal-in-panama-city/missing-411-unexplained-disappearances-of-people-that-have-never-been-solved
This is the link to the authors site Secure Site where the book is available and sold:http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/catalog/item/6180213/9227229.htm
**The "Missing 411 Extra" and the "National Park Service" page on this site includes photos, letters and maps that were cost prohibitive to include in the manuscripts of either book. The password to enter this area is the last two words of the last sentence on page 242 of the western United States version.
Missing 411- Western United States Book Reviews
Michael Constantin- 5 Stars
I am a former deputy sheriff from California. I spent 8 years on the job and have investigated numerous strange cases. NOTHING COMES CLOSE to what David Paulides has written about in this book. THE U.S. GOVERNMENT seems to be complicit in covering up countless missing persons cases. INEXCUSABLE!!! Read some of Mr. Paulides other books to get an idea of what may be happening to some of the missing people. An absolutely chilling, sad and enlightening read. Anyone spending time in the outdoors should read these books. I am buying the Eastern edition in a couple of days. If it is anything like the western edition, I won't be able to put it down.
Peggy Graham- 5 Stars
Missing 411 Western United States is one of the most incredible and riveting books I have ever read and is an absolute must read for EVERYONE! David Paulides book series, including his second book Missing 411 - Eastern United States and his third book Missing 411 North America and Beyond, provide the disturbing and bizarre true facts of hundreds of people who have gone missing from or near wilderness areas under very unusual circumstances. These books provide bone chilling, hair raising cases of people who have vanished without a trace from National parks or from their homes, cabins, back yards, trails, or rural areas near wilderness. What makes these books so interesting and thought provoking is that many of the extremely strange circumstances surrounding these disappearances occur in every case David PauIides writes about from Maine to California and beyond! Even through these cases span decades, David Paulides has discovered many large clusters of people vanishing from certain areas. Paulides openly ponders the facts surrounding these strange and mysterious disappearances. What or who is responsible for so many people disappearing without a trace? For those of us who love true mysteries, there have never been a more captivating series of well written and thoroughly researched books. Thank you Mr. Paulides!!!!
B. Weaver- 5 Stars
Yes, I mean that. One CANNOT TURN AWAY having once been made aware of these accounts by lawman-turned-investigative-journalist David Paulides. I work in publishing, so I nitpick if a book lacks literary polish, editing finesse or visual punch; but I must stress that these quickly lose meaning against the expert vetting, the complex, SHOCKING details, and the enigmatic profile developed towards the STRANGE DISAPPEARANCES and DEATHS in this book. Many have taken place in our national parks and forests. Though some park employees tried to help the searches, you’ll come to see the authorities of the National Park Service as unconcerned, free of ethics and rather criminally negligent, which is not the image they'd like to project as they plan various “100th anniversary” events and invite families to come traipse through their wildernesses. Human scale is a character here: what are people, especially children, capable of physically doing in certain amounts of time? What don’t we know, and why aren’t there clues? Also, the loss and pain of the families left behind is not forgotten by this former police detective, and many interviews with heartbroken loved ones are faithfully included. Oddities abound. All cases are real, not composites or “re-imaginings,” and are located in places most of us have either been already or have dreamed of going. Many will leave you emotionally stunned; you think, “I've done that,” or “I've been there!” It never escapes you for a minute that you, or your loved ones, could also have been a page in this book. It's brutal going, yet mesmerizing, because each case starts out with absolutely ordinary past-times – most of us have hiked, camped, hunted, played outside or picked berries – yet all finish with a situation, very often death, that cannot be explained by any of the persons involved. I can't really use the word “enjoyed” about the long, late hours I spent, eyeballs watery and twitching, reading this book, and the others in the series. But I did, and still do, feel a profound sense of involvement and mental challenge at mulling the details, and a driving NEED to figure out HOW these things could have happened, and WHAT could be the reasons. At first, the “answers” come the way our minds are trained and ready to answer (wild animals - weather conditions - psycho killers - UFOs - Bigfoot - demons- etc - fill in your own as you go), but keep with the series and you will see that NO ONE HAS THE ACTUAL ANSWERS to these baffling occurrences to ordinary people just like you and me. I don't think I will EVER forget these books.
***NOTE: This book, and the others in the series, are BEST PURCHASED FROM THE WEBSITE mentioned in the author profile.***
Connie Nussbaum- 5 Stars
Finally someone addresses the issue of missing people that never seem to be solved. I spent 10 years with our local county Search & Rescue group and there were many searches we had that to this day, unsolved, has left us forever wondering what happen. Then the mystery seems to get lost in the years and no one ever knows. (or seems to really care) I always felt the hardship for the families. David has finally touched on that subject and opens our eyes to the mystery of disappearance, the forest and beyond. Also, as a Sasquatch enthusiast, I have read his book the Hoopa Project and enjoy the view he takes on the mysteries & legend. David has many more books I am anxious to read. Someone needs to start looking in to these mysteries a little harder. How do people just vanish with no clues to what happen? Thank you David for opening our eyes to this mystery and may we all work together to find some answers.
Michael Cangemi- 5 Stars
Tipped off by a park ranger about unusual, unsolved disappearances in our national parks and what he viewed as a cover-up by the US Park Service, David Paulides has done a superb compilation of hundreds of these cases and correlated common oddities among many of them, such as trained bloodhounds being unable or refusing to track scent. Evolving into a four book series (Western US and Canada, Eastern US, North America and Beyond, and the last, The Devil is in the Details), the former police investigator has done what the controllers of Federal agencies involved should have done and have not to this day. The book(s) may well serve as a catalyst for a tide of public pressure to end the lack of forthrightness by the latter. The books should have wide appeal for hunters, campers, fishermen and hikers; the millions who visit the national parks. Also those who believe deaths and disappearances should be looked at to solve them, no stone unturned and those who are disturbed by Federal cover-ups or ineptness. ( In some cases, FBI and NPS have refused FOIA requests for the case files.) NOT acceptable. Who or what are they protecting? What are they afraid of revealing? The people lost were fathers, mothers, children and friends of those who loved them who still deserve the truth and answers.
Stephen Bastasch- 5 Stars
Taken at face value, as "just-so" stories, the incidents in this book are bone-chilling. Paulides presents the facts, and - almost unprecedented in books dealing with "the unknown" - wisely refrains from presenting an explanation or general conclusion. The nation's forests are wild and beautiful, but also deadly. The book elimates "normal" disappearances and concentrates on the unknowns, to devastating emotional and cognitive effect. We want to know - we _need_ to know - what is happening, but we are not allowed to know. Not because Paulides knows and won't tell us, but because the cases themselves are so utterly unresponsive to standard investigative methodology. "Be afraid. Be very afraid" is a pragmatic caveat for reading this book and its companion volumes.
Michel Morin- 5 Stars
This is a great book. I didn't know about all the disappearances in different national parks.
It is really an eye opener and I recommend it highly for those who want to know the truth!
Brad Hunt- 5 Stars
Intriguing detailed review of a current event happening in our National Parks and wild spaces. This may be the single most important mystery of our time and is certainly the most disturbing. David reports the facts that reveal the pattern. He leaves conjecture out of his dialogue which clearly keeps the focus on the victims and patterns of disappearance. You must arm yourself with this knowledge and add your voice to the call for transparency from the National Park service! Purchase from David's website for best prices and to support the efforts.
Update! These events continue to occur as evidenced by many recent news reports. The patterns repeat throughout these disappearances. You must read these books to fully understand this ongoing mystery!
Dana Harper- 5 Stars
I hope David Paulides comes to Arizona and researches all the strange happenings on highway 666 that has been renamed because of the high strangeness that was going on. the Mogollon Rim and the Superstition Mountains in Arizona, This is a must read for any and all first responders and Law Enforcement that are involved with SAR.
Over the years I have done my own research. But David Paulides Has gone the extra mile to research and do his Missing 411 books. I started reading the first Missing 411 book and could not put it down! I have bought the other two Missing 411 books on unexplained disappearances in the United States and Canada. When out enjoying the wilderness I am very aware of what is all around me. If you love the Great Outdoors or need a book for a cold evening night this is your book. I would tell you not only will you truly enjoy the information in this book but you will want to share it with your loved ones and friends. For the family and friends that are reading this Please be Careful for the things that go bump in the night!
Maestrokenneth- 5 Stars
I rarely give books 5 stars. But the depth and detail of the author's work is truly phenomenal. There are a few critics here that give the books low marks. However the critics are unable to explain most of the cases he presents. Like toddlers that suddenly disappear and are found alive many miles away AND atop a high mountain (sometimes with no clothes on, yet never sexually molested). Someone please explain the numerous cases just like this one, that's not a one off. Another reviewer here claims it was just a mountain lion or other wildlife killing the small children in the cases covered. I lived in a rural area for years, and that is just nonsense. How many true predators of humans are there in the wilds of North America? None really, except maybe the crocodile if you get too close, I suppose, oh but that's not North America. There are lots of cases where the victim would have time to scream and nothing is ever heard if it were a normal abduction. That is just common sense. What about disappearances where the victim can hardly walk? Then they are found miles away? The number of cases he covers is breathtaking. This is also a highly emotional book, dealing with losses inflicted on real people. Some of these stories will stay with you forever, like Stephanie Stewart who vanished off a remote fire watch station in a remote wilderness post in the most desolate area in Canada. She has never been found, even now. What happened to the Jamison Family in Oklahoma? Such creepy stuff. I couldn't put down these books. Some of the cases made my blood freeze and I could not sleep. And this is his idea, not to provide all the answers but to make you think and be more aware.
Nancy Schneider- 5 Stars
This book is well written and engrossing. I never realized how many people went missing in the national parks. It brings attention to a problem that has long been unreported and neglected.
Drew Baulz- 5 Stars
Fantastic book and well written!!
Ken Hughey- 5 Stars
I stumbled upon David Paulides Missing 411 series while looking for more information on a famous missing person case, involving a young boy, named Dennis Martin. The Martin case is used as a case study in the Air Force's inland SAR course. **The Martin case is covered in the Eastern Edition**. I've been involved as a professional search & rescue volunteer for many years now, and currently am the training officer with our team, so I help put together realistic training. In this role, I'm interested in real world scenarios, and try to add some real world cases to our field training. The search for real world case studies led me to David's books.
Once I started reading them, I was quite shocked. I had no idea that so many people have gone missing, and a lot of them never found. Having had formal training in lost person behavior and managing lost person searches, I know that does happen in some cases, but the clustering effect, lack of any clues after extensive searches and no decomposing body clues (even after months) is very disturbing.
I recommend these books to anyone, since it's a phenomena that needs more attention and study. I especially recommend the entire series to anyone associated with wilderness search & rescue. Modern day SAR is part science and part art, but the science is much improved in recent years. Understanding these missing person cases may further improve the search & rescue response and may add additional spots to check early in the reflex tasking phase of a mission.
David deserves big respect for bringing this serious situation to public attention.
This review is for the following books in the series : Missing 411 Eastern Edition, Missing 411 Western Edition & Missing 411: North America & Beyond. He also has a 4th book out, that I have not purchased yet. BTW...as of this writing, I recommend you find the books on David's website, since the ones I see here have prices that are crazy, and those are individual sellers, not David Paulides.
Daniel Jolley- 5 Stars
Having heard numerous radio interviews with David Paulides, I finally decided that I had to buy all four of his books on strange disappearances in our national parks. He really only sells his books through his website, so ignore the ludicrous costs you see on this site (from 3rd party sellers) and just go to canammissing dot com to find them. Missing 411: Western United States and Canada is the first of the books, detailing hundreds of unexplained – oftentimes bizarre – disappearances that have taken place in the western United States and Canada over the past century or so – in or in close proximity to national parks. This includes some of the most fascinating cases you may have heard him discuss on the radio – such as Stacey Arras’ disappearance from Yosemite National Park in 1981 and Charles McCullar’s disappearance from Oregon’s Crater Lake National Park in 1976 (and the eerie nature of his remains when eventually discovered). Paulides breaks all of the cases down by region, identifying obvious clusters where disappearances most commonly take place, notes similarities in many of the cases, and discusses time and again how the bureaucracy of the National Park Service seemingly tries to keep the lid on the truth by failing to keeps lists of missing persons (or so they claim), illegally refusing to turn over public information via Freedom of Information Act requests, and failing to add their missing persons to any national missing person database. At times, it’s hard to tell which is scarier – the unknown mysterious truth of what is happening inside our national parks or the government’s attempts to cover the whole thing up.
The information contained in this book is the result of untold hours of investigation by Paulides and his team – scouring newspaper and magazine articles, submitting numerous and sometimes unsuccessful FOIA requests, speaking to nearby law enforcement personnel and individual national park rangers, etc. Simply finding out the names of those who have gone missing over the decades is a terrific chore because the National Park Service itself claims that they don’t even keep lists of the missing. Only rarely does Paulides speak with the family members of the missing, simply out of respect for their loss – but when he does speak to those directly involved in the disappearances and searches, some truly disturbing facts often emerge.
While people of all ages are among the missing, it is the story of the missing young children that are the most disturbing. They often disappear in close proximity to their parents or other children, and those who are eventually found only serve to deepen the mystery. Many small children are located miles away from where they disappeared, at much higher elevations, and in remote and oftentimes fairly inaccessible regions they couldn’t conceivably have reached on their own – or else they are found in an area that Search and Rescue teams have thoroughly searched already. Many have no memory of what happened, or tell strange stories that make no logical sense. When the remains of some children and adults are eventually found, they add even further to the mystery. Children are found with shoes, socks, and sometimes pants missing; adult remains often consist of only a few scattered bones alongside weirdly organized bits of clothing. Pants are sometimes turned inside out, boots are often never found, and jawbones and femurs seem to turn up alongside socks full of tiny bones. None of these findings are consistent with animal attacks.
Paulides does not attempt to explain what is happening to these people or to offer his conjectures. Indeed, how could anyone possibly explain something like the overwhelming preponderance of serious storms occurring to hinder search efforts in the immediate aftermath of so many disappearances? He details the facts of each case and offers his observations about certain clusters, patterns, and similarities between them. The next book, where Paulides discusses disappearances in the eastern United States and Canada, should really be seen as a companion to this one. Indeed, both started out to be one book – but there was too much information to include in just one gigantic book. That being said, Paulides does make reference to a number of eastern cases in this book, so you will want to get both books to get a better picture of the depth of the mystery that Paulides is bringing into focus here.
Randal Walsh- 5 Stars
First, I would like to say that this is a book that should not be enjoyed. But, it is a book that should be taken seriously by everyone, especially people who like camping and hiking through North American national parks. Not only that, but it should be taken seriously by people living in close proximity to these parks.
There are many disturbing missing people cases in here that are truly mystifying, and it involves children as well as adults. And there seems to be a pattern in terms of age and gender at certain intervals of time. These missing people cases defy explanation, at least in a conventional way. As if these missing people cases aren't disturbing enough, there is the culture of secrecy with the NPS and the upper echelons of power in all levels of government. That is not to say that the rank and file people don't do their best in trying to find these missing people, which David Paulides is quick to point out. As he says, more often that not, these rank and file people go above and beyond the call of duty to find these people who have gone missing under very unusual circumstances. It is the administrative aspect of the National Park Service, along with all levels of government that have some explaining to do. And what's more, in a lot of these cases, there's always a major storm that washes away most or all of the evidence right after the search begins to find these people. Then there are the people who are found after several days missing in the parks, sometimes under extreme weather conditions, yet these people seem quite healthy, seemingly well fed and hydrated, as if someone, or some entity, was keeping them safe. Very strange.
In order to find out more about these missing people cases, David Paulides has had to file Freedom Of Information Requests. What is so secretive about these missing people in North America's parks that these cases need to be classified? The obvious answer is, the government does not want people to know what is going on, which in and of itself, is disturbing. Paulides makes it clear that he is not a conspiracy theorist, and I believe him. But there is no other explanation than to say that there definitely is a conspiracy going on at the higher levels of government.
David Paulides does a remarkable job investigating these missing people. He has made it his passion, and it shows throughout his work. The sadness associated with these victims and their families is beyond comprehension, not to mention a dispassionate power structure that seems more concerned with keeping as much information about these missing cases, from the public.
So folks, no need to fear terrorism from other countries. The real terrorism is in your own back yards, covered up by your own government.