Released: July 22, 2015
Link to Purchase:http://www.nabigfootsearch.com/Bigfootstore.html
You Tube Video of David Paulides discussing this book and reading some interesting mail: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Q_g5723gSI&t=35s
Missing 411- A Sobering Coincidence is the fifth book in the acclaimed series about people who have mysteriously disappeared. The books have been vetted by some of the top journalists in the world with statements such as; “David Paulides has shined a light onto one of the greatest and most disturbing mysteries of our time.” Another comment; “The paper trail uncovered by Paulides through sheer doggedness is impressive, the evidence indisputable.” Survivorman Les Stroud was interviewed about the series and stated, “Paulides presents pure facts. Facts that can’t be disputed.”
The author continues with his profile points involving the disappearances and applies them to a series of incidents involving young men and women, mostly college age. Many of the victims vanished within the confines of their college or university town. These individuals were brilliant scholars, athletes and stellar people in their community. They disappear under unusual circumstances and are often found in areas that were previously searched. Medical examiners in these cases often cannot determine the cause of death. Many times the victim was recovered in water, yet autopsies show the body was not in the water the entire time the victim was missing. The majority of the families in these cases believe their loved ones were abducted and held, then later dumped in the water. These allegations are generally ignored by authorities until pressured by facts presented through secondary autopsies that families requested and paid for.
This is a chilling and shocking series of stories that will cause many parents and young people to rethink their nighttime activities.
127 cases
62 Different colleges and universities represented.
Span of cases, 1928-2015
Countries Represented:
United States- 25 States
British Columbia
New Brunswick
United Kingdom
Other books in the series:
Missing 411- Western United States
Missing 411- Eastern United States
Missing 411- North America and Beyond
Missing 411- The Devil’s in the Detail
379 Pages
Author: David Paulides
Date Published: August 29, 2015.