Missing 411- The Hunted
Missing 411- The Hunted deals with the unexplained disappearance of hunters from the wilds of North America. Hunters have been disappearing for hundreds of years, many without leaving a trace. How can a nimrod disappear without leaving tracks and a scent trail for Bloodhounds to follow? Is there something happening to these people that conventional explanations are at a loss to explain?
The Official Movie Trailer Just Dropped- Link to online order is available at this link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWX8Aq5bVBI&feature=youtu.be
View 2nd Movie Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORHjpwpSQ04&t=23s
Purchase-Apple iTunes- Online Edition on iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/movie/missing-411-the-hunted/id1463977563
Purchase- Amazon- https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07TK1KJ9V/ref=sr_1_4?crid=384Z0QRF7EAGW&keywords=missing+411+the+hunted+movie&qid=1561520329&s=gateway&sprefix=missing+411+the+hunted%2Caps%2C176&sr=8-4
Purchase- Vimeo-https://vimeo.com/ondemand/missing411thehunted
Purchase- Google Play-https://play.google.com/store/movies/details/Missing_411_The_Hunted?id=EBzkfFKCPyU&hl=en
Purchase DVD=https://www.nabigfootsearch.com/catalog/item/6180213/10412478.htm
Length: 97 Minutes
Directed By: Michael Degrazier
Executive Producer: David Paulides
Distributor: The Orchard
Release Date: June 25, 2019
Missing 411: The Hunted, movie reviews
Scott Schumacher Without giving much away, the first messages that you put on the screen I believe are the thread you meant to weave into this movie..so that it could "shake the tree" so to speak. To me, if you get past the "oh-my-gosh-it's-horrible-what's-happening" surface feelings, folks might understand what I think was the real purpose of this movie. Some folks know more answers they aren't telling! Brilliant job!
Ronnie Strickland Only surprised it’s not #1. 90 minutes of unbelievable content, graphics and emotions.
Yoda-jason Mashtare I bought your new documentary it was fantastic !!!!!
Mel Rains We just bought it and watched it tonight. It’s a great companion to the books.
David Bakara: Just finished watching this masterpiece. A concise examination of the impossible oddities that surround missing hunters. David Paulides has surpassed our expectations with this film. Get it, watch it with friends. He is telling you in plain English.... there is something afoot in our very presence that is completely unseen,and out of our control. It can be right in front of you, and you would not see it until it was too late. Absolutely well done, and quite possibly, the most important film you will ever see. Perfection.
Janice Kramer-Walker Was awesome! Please keep making these movies Dave!
Margaret Reynolds Purchased yesterday, Good movie!
Stephen Pettit I just bought MISSING 411 hunted, and I have to say I was completely impressed, I loved every second of the film, and will watch it a few dozen more!
Anders Erling Gjersøe This was really good! Still got goose-bumps....
Kerry Hughes You deserve to be, both movies are excellent. Congratulations.
Jerry Avalos III This was phenomenal... Great work!
Duo Augustus Valentine Ace!
The movie was Epicness